Trade Like A Pro (TLAP)


Professionals and endowments avoid corrections because they manage money differently from retail.

The same course that trained professionals is now available to individuals investors!


Learn to Trade Like a Pro... FROM A PRO!

YES, I want o learn to Trade Like A Pro

Immediate access to the course: $1095.00 US$ (HST included for Canadian residents)

Trade Like a Pro course is endorsed by Moody’s Analytics and the Canadian Securities Institute.

What You'll Learn

Download the TLAP Course Curriculum for details of every lesson.

MODULE 0: Pre-Course Prep
MODULE 1: Welcome and Foundation
MODULE 2: The Markets - The World We Work Within MODULE 3: Counter Intuitive Investing
MODULE 4: The Psychology of Trading
MODULE 5: The Big Picture
MODULE 6: Understand the Market: Fundamental Facts MODULE 7: Understand the Market: Technical Picture MODULE 8: Professional Trade Prep: Understand the Market MODULE 9: Professional Trade Execution: Power of Rules MODULE 10: Professional Trade Management: The Rules of Trading
MODULE 11: Hypotheticals
MODULE 12: Maximizing Your Investment Process MODULE 13: Your Edge
MODULE 14: Managing Yourself
MODULE 15: Building an Exponential Practice MODULE 16: Putting It All Together

YES, I want o learn to Trade Like A Pro


I conducted my first workshop in 1995 and have been teaching Trade Like A Pro since 2009 to professionals. It is now available to everyone. I love helping my clients unlock more of their potential.

Here's what previous participants have said about my workshops & coaching:

“More value added in 16 hours than the 27 years in the business”

“Revolutionary, if offered the chance, do not hesitate"

“Experience was extremely informative and will give our team a better edge”

“Great experience.”

“Career changing"

“Very enlightening on how we can better manage our clients portfolios”

“Huge opportunity to add value”

“Excellent opportunity to learn more about what is really happening in the markets"

“Eye opening. Expanded my outlook on our business."

“This program will be transformative to our business going forward.”

“A tremendous resource.”

“Invigorating and encouraging for what might happen.”

“A life changing tool”

“Laid out a framework in which we could create a process"

“Gave us the edge we have been looking for and showed us how to execute and communicate it.”

“Never seen before information.”

“Feel empowered by the knowledge we received and the new tools"

“A pleasant surprise"

"Time well spent."

"A valuable workshop for anyone interested in improving their client’s performance on a regular basis."

"Extremely enlightening, brought ideas / critical things to mind that I never would have seen on my own."

"I now have a better ability to analyze the market conditions."

"It's like drinking out of a fire hose."

"Added an edge to our practice."

"Very good, wasn’t sure what to expect, excited about the future of my team."

"This experience has been enlightening and empowering."

"We have an advantage over our competitors now."

"Opened a door to increase success."

"I now have an understanding of how to navigate the markets with confidence."

"What I have been looking for, what clients want and need."

"I now have a rules based systematic approach to take advantage of the new market environment."

"An eye opening two days of information that is needed to improve our investment process and achieve improved results for our clients."

"I don’t know, what I don’t know. Very different approach to managing money."

"Very educational. Give you a wider outlook on what you can and cannot control."

"Eye-opening experience and very worthwhile investment."

YES, I want o learn to Trade Like A Pro